Refer A Friend

Site Assembly offers competitive referral incentives including up to 10% of the total cost of a new project or agreement in addition to the initial referral payouts between $50 – $1,000.

See Table 1.0 below for a breakdown of Site Assembly’s New Project referral payout tiers.

Sales volumePayout
Tier 1 ($1,000+)$50
Tier 2 ($5,000+)$250
Tier 2 ($10,000+)$250 + 2.0%
Tier 3 ($15,000+)$500 + 3.0%
Tier 4 ($20,000+)$750 + 4.0%
Tier 5 ($25,000+)$1,000 + 5.0%
Tier 6 ($30,000+)$1,000 + 6.0%
Tier 7 ($35,000+)$1,000 + 7.0%
Tier 8 ($40,000+)$1,000 + 8.0%
Tier 9 ($45,000+)$1,000 + 9.0%
Tier 10 ($50,000+)$1,000 + 10.0%
Table 1.0 shows the sales volume required (left column) and the associated payouts for New Projects only.
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